📄️ ConnectionsArgs
The class for the "sqrl" argument of the main function of connections.py.
📄️ ParametersArgs
The class for the "sqrl" argument of the main function of parameters.py.
📄️ AuthArgs
The class for the "sqrl" argument of the main function of auth.py. The class contains the same attributes and methods as ConnectionsArgs and more.
📄️ ContextArgs
The class for the "sqrl" argument of the main function of context.py. The class contains the same attributes as ParametersArgs and more.
📄️ ModelDepsArgs
The class for the "sqrl" argument of the dependencies function of a Python model. The class contains the same attributes as ContextArgs and more.
📄️ ModelArgs
The class for the "sqrl" argument of the main function of a Python model. The class contains the same attributes as ModelDepsArgs and more.