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5. Test the REST APIs

To activate the API server, simply run:

sqrl run

Then, in a web browser, go to http://localhost:4465/ to interact with the dataset APIs you've just created using the Squirrels Testing UI!

Remember to shut down the API server by pressing "Ctrl+C" before proceeding.

Test the Rendered SQL Queries

In practice, you may wish to review what the rendered SQL queries look like (for some set of parameter selections) before actually running the queries.

To do so for the weather_by_time dataset (using the default parameter selections), run:

sqrl compile --dataset weather_by_time

This creates the folder path target/compile/default/weather_by_time with the compiled SQL queries for all the relevant SQL models (without actually running them).


You can also use the short form -d instead of --dataset. If you omit this option, all datasets in the project will be compiled.

If you only care about compiling one model, you can run:

sqrl compile --dataset weather_by_time --select weather_by_time

In addition to writing the file in the target folder, this will print out the compiled SQL query as well.

If --dataset is not specified, then the --select option is ignored. This is because the traits are undefined without specifying the dataset.


You can also use the short form -s instead of --select. You can also run the sql query with the --runquery or -r option. When used in conjunction with -s or --select, this will compile and run all the upstream models as well. You can find the results as csv files in the target folder.

Using Selection Test Sets

You can also test on non-default parameter selections. Suppose you want to group by month instead of grouping by year (the default parameter selection).

In the squirrels.yml file, replace the selection_test_sets section with:

- name: group_by_month
group_by_dim: '2'

The '2' is the ID for "Month" option defined in Now you can use the --test-set or -t option on the compile command to specify the test set to compile with:

sqrl compile --dataset weather_by_time --test-set group_by_month

This creates new files in the target/compile/group_by_month/weather_by_time folder (not the "target/compile/default/weather_by_time" folder we saw before).

See sqrl compile --help or the compile command page for more details.