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sqrl init

The sqrl init command is used to set up a new Squirrels project, or add files to an existing one. When used, it will populate the current directory with a barebones version of a Squirrels project, where the files added depend on the user's preference. By default, the files created will not overwrite files that already exist. This behaviour can be changed by using the --overwrite option.

After executing the command, the user would be able to specify which files should be initialized by answering the following prompts:

  • Include all core project files? (Y/n)
    • If Y or y is entered, the following will also be asked:
      • How would you like to configure the database connections? (yml/py)
      • How would you like to configure the parameters? (py/yml)
      • What's the file format for the database view model? (sql/py)
      • What's the file format for the federated model? (sql/py)
  • Do you want to add the '' file? (y/N)
  • What sample sqlite database do you wish to use (if any)? (none/expenses/weather)

The core files include:

  • squirrels.yml, environcfg.yml, and .gitignore files in the project root
  • A database_view1.sql or file in models/dbviews/ folder
  • A dataset_example.sql or file in the models/federates/ folder
  • In the pyconfigs/ folder
    • A file if py was specified for database connections
    • A file if py was specified for parameters
    • A file

Additional prompts are also provided to inquire whether certain files (such as pyconfigs/ are needed. Below is a description of files specific to a Squirrels project.

squirrels.ymlThe project-level configurations for any Squirrels project. See Squirrels Project File for more details.
environcfg.ymlIncludes variables specific to the environment (secrets, credentials, etc.). See Environment Configuration File for more details.
pyconfigs/connections.pyDatabase connections can be defined here if preferred to do so in Python instead of in squirrels.yml. See Database Connections for more details.
pyconfigs/parameters.pyParameter widgets (for making data analytics dynamic) are defined here. Alternatively, they can be defined in squirrels.yml, though it can be more verbose. See Widget Parameters for more details.
pyconfigs/context.pyThe place to define meaningful variables in Python (derived from parameter selections, dataset traits, etc.) which can then be used to change behaviour of models. See the Context File for more details.
pyconfigs/auth.pyIf authentication is involved, the user model and authentication function is defined here. See Authentication for more details.
models/dbviews/*SQL Jinja templates or Python files that define dynamic views of external database(s). See SQL Models or Python Models for more details.
models/federates/*SQL Jinja templates or Python files that define dynamic tables/views that may depend on other models. These tables/views are written to a temporary database embedded in server memory. See SQL Models or Python Models for more details.

Further usage details can be found by running sqrl init -h which prints the text below. The user can also choose which files to include through command line options without using the prompts above. All command line options below except for -h and --overwrite disables the prompts.

usage: sqrl init [-h] [-o] [--core] [--connections {yml,py}] [--parameters {yml,py}] [--dbview {sql,py}]
[--federate {sql,py}] [--auth] [--sample-db {expenses,weather}]

optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-o, --overwrite Overwrite files that already exist
--core Include all core files
--connections {yml,py}
Configure database connections as yaml (default) or python. Ignored if "--core" is not
--parameters {yml,py}
Configure parameters as python (default) or yaml. Ignored if "--core" is not specified
--dbview {sql,py} Create database view model as sql (default) or python file. Ignored if "--core" is not
--federate {sql,py} Create federated model as sql (default) or python file. Ignored if "--core" is not
--auth Include the file
--sample-db {expenses,weather}
Sample sqlite database to include