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sqrl run

The sqrl run command is activates the API server to interact with the datasets, such as retrieving their parameters and results.

The run command provides the following options (this can be found from sqrl run -h):

usage: sqrl run [-h] [--no-cache] [--debug] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]

optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--no-cache Do not cache any api results
--debug Show all "hidden parameters" in the parameters response
--host HOST The host to run on
--port PORT The port to run on

The default host is and the default port is 4465. Behind the scenes, Squirrels run a FastAPI app. While running, you can access or http://localhost:4465 from the browser to interact with the Squirrels Testing UI.


In a future version of Squirrels, we intend to make the Testing UI on a separate port than the other REST APIs. This means running two FastAPI apps on two different ports simultaneously, with the ability to terminate both servers at once.

Assume you have a project named "my_proj" with a sample dataset named "my_ds". You can use the following REST APIs for requests to retrieve various JSON results:

  • The Projects Catalog API
    • Path: GET /squirrels-v0
    • Description: Returns list of projects and list of major versions for each project. When running sqrl run locally in a single project, this only provides one project ("my_proj") and one major version. In the future, a platform may be provided for hosting Squirrels projects where the platform will come with a catalog API that lists all projects deployed within the account (with a similar API interface as this one).
  • The Login API
    • Path: POST /squirrels-v0/my-proj/v1/token
    • Description: Given username and password, provides an auth token and expiry time if the credentials are valid.
  • The Datasets Catalog API
    • Path: GET /squirrels-v0/my-proj/v1/datasets
    • Description: Given project name and major version in path, returns the list of datasets available. Only public datasets are shown if auth token is not provided.
  • The Parameters API
    • Path: GET/POST /squirrels-v0/my-proj/v1/dataset/my-ds/parameters
    • Description: Provides the widget parameter properties for the dataset. Can provide selected value of a widget parameter (in query parameters if GET request or body if POST request) to show cascaded options of dependent parameters.
  • The Dataset Result API
    • Path: GET/POST /squirrels-v0/my-proj/v1/dataset/my-ds
    • Description: Provides the tabular results of the dataset. Selected values of widget parameters can be provided (through query parameters if GET request or body if POST request).

More details on these API endpoints can be found at REST API Types.

To shut down the API server, press Ctrl + C.