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The class for defining and interacting with date parameters.

Static / Class Methods

In addition to the static methods specified on this page, see the Parameter page for details on the Create and CreateFromSource factory methods.

For DateParameter in particular:

  • The all_options argument of the Create factory method must be a sequence of DateParameterOption instances
  • The data_source argument of the CreateFromSource factory method must be a DateDataSource


Creates the configurations for a date parameter by providing a list of DateParameterOption instances, and adds it to an abstract pool of parameter configurations.

Unlike the Create factory method, this factory method assumes only one parameter option is needed with no arguments for "user_attribute" and "parent_name".

Required Arguments:

  • name: A string for the name of the parameter
  • label: A string for human-friendly display name for this parameter
  • default_date: A string or date (from datetime package). This is the default selected date

Optional Keyword Arguments:

  • date_format: A string for the format of the "default_date" argument. Uses datetime's format codes. Default is '%Y-%m-%d'
  • is_hidden: A boolean for whether the parameter is hidden in the response of the Parameters API. Default is False

Returns: None

Non-Static Methods

In the file or data model, the methods below can be invoked on a DateParameter object to retrieve details for the selected parameter option at runtime. For example, the following code demonstrates getting the DateParameter object in, and calling the "get_selected_date" method on it.

if "my_date_param" in prms:
my_date_param: sr.DateParameter = prms["my_date_param"]
my_date: str = my_date_param.get_selected_date()


Gets selected date as string.

Optional Keyword Argument

Returns: A string for the date.


Gets selected date as string surrounded by single quotes.

Optional Keyword Argument

  • date_format: See "date_format" argument for the "get_selected_date" method above

Returns: A string for the quoted date.